
Save your time, cash, & effort to show up where your audience actually searches FOR YOU

What’s Included

Choose the plan that’s right for you, Or customize your plan based on specific needs now

Free Basic

Establish Your Profile Free


  • Create your free profile
  • Listed in one category
  • Organic showcase
  • Add your manual file to your profile (English & Arabic)
  • User rate Appearance
Get Started


Expand Your Visibility & Reach Your Audience per click!

Everything in Basic, plus:

  • Unlimited CTA activated buttons Get listed in up to 3 sub-categories
  • Add your manual to the blog (English & Arabic Blog Posts) *updated content
  • Add your social media buttons & links
  • Increase your tool visibility with our awareness campaigns on social media “where your audience is really are”
  • User clicks analysis
  • Get Featured on Lingo Apps Home Get Featured in the category page Instantly put your profile in front of our users.
Get Started


Enhance Your Presence & Strengthen Your Reputation Per Service

Everything in Essential, plus:

  • Add valuable content to your profile (visual, testimonials, achievements) yearly & updatable
  • Get users' reviews & comments shown in your profile yearly
  • Get updated UX reports & analytics based on continuous survey campaigns. monthly/quarterly
  • Get online educational workshop. *When needed/per order *totally from our team *published on your profile here too.
  • Get offline educational workshops (face-to-face). **When needed/per order *totally from our team *published on your profile here too.
  • Get personalized website & service consultations based on users' behavior, reviews, and needs. *When needed/per order
  • Get collaboration opportunities with other tools *When needed/per order
  • Access to competitors' analysis. *When needed/per order
  • Get Interviewed in our awareness-raising
  • Webinars to introduce your tool *When needed/per order
Get Started
Plans’ packages above don't meet your needs?

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